投稿时间:2005-04-25    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1315
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刘倩 中国人民解放军总医院药材处, 北京, 100853 
高玮 北京市药品检验所, 北京, 100035 
尚北城 中国人民解放军昆明总医院药剂科, 云南, 昆明, 650032 
中文摘要:目的 制备酮康唑传递体,测定其含量;研究酮康唑传递体的经皮渗透促进作用.方法 用旋转蒸发法制备酮康唑传递体,反相HPLC法测定酮康唑的含量.采用改进的franz扩散池体外经皮渗透实验.以兔皮背部皮肤为透皮屏障,紫外分分光光度法测定普通纳米脂质体、含有表面活性剂胆酸钠酮康唑传递体(KCZ TF)、含3%的双戊烯(3%DP)和3%的氮酮(3%AZ)对酮康唑的促透效果.结果 制得酮康唑传递体.各种促进剂对酮康唑的促透效果顺序为:传递体>3%双戊烯>3%氮酮>普通纳米脂质体.结论 实验证明,传递体对酮康唑具有良好的促透作用,与其它促透剂相比具有显著差异(P<0.05)或极显著的差异(P< 0.01).
中文关键词:酮康唑  传递体  含量测定  透皮吸收  透皮促进剂
Preparation and enhancement effect of ketoconazole transfersomes on transder-mal absorption
Abstract:Objective To prepare and determinate the ketoconazole(KCZ)transfersomes(TF),and to study the enhancing effect on the transdermal absorption of ketoconazole transfersomes.Methods The rotary evaporation method was used for preparation of KCZ TF.The HPLC was employed in its determination.The excised rabbit skin was used as the percutaneous barrier, and the modified franz-diffusion cells were used in the test.The enhancement effect of common nano-liposome, transfersomes, 3% dipentene and 3% azone were compared in the transdermal absorption of ketoconazole.Results The KCZ TF were prepared.The sequence of enhancement at difference transdermal enhancer are follows: transfersomes > 3% dipentene > 3% azone > common nana-liposome.Conclusion It was showed that various transder enhancers could promote absorption of ketoconazole in different degrees and transfersomes was the most effective.
keywords:ketoconazole  transfersomes  determination  percutaneous absorption  transdermal enhancer
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