投稿时间:2005-03-04    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1493
全文下载次数: 1230
王少明 福建省立医院 
林才经 福建省立医院 
杨春波 福建省第二人民医院, 福建, 福州, 350001 
施作霖 福建省立医院 
庄捷 福建省立医院 
阮君山 福建省立医院 
中文摘要:目的 研究胃炎1号治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎的作用.方法 通过在动物身上复制慢性萎缩性胃炎模型, 以体重、及病理组织变化为指标,观察以党参、白术等组成的胃炎1号方的治疗作用.为临床治疗和应用提供实验依据.结果 治疗组和模型组之间动物的体重差异没有显著性改变.胃炎1号能改善胃黏膜的萎缩, 对胃黏膜的炎症也有抑制作用.结论 该方药具有良好的作用.
中文关键词:慢性萎缩性胃炎  胃炎1号  实验研究
Experimental study on Weiyan Keli in treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis
Abstract:Objective To research the mechanism of Weiyan Keli (WK) in treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG).Methods CAG model of rats was made by synthetical methods.The rats were randomly divided into normal control group, model group and treatment group.The weight and pathohistologic change of CAG in the rats were observed.Results After treatment with WK for 10 weeks, the change of the weight in the treatment group was not significantly different from that in the model group.Epithelial cellular morphosis and atrophic degree of gastro mucosal gland were obviously improved.Inflammation cells were reduced significantly.Conclusion WK has the satisfactory effect in treating CAG.
keywords:chronic atrophic gastritis  Weiyan Keli  experimental study
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