投稿时间:2004-06-15    点此下载全文
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方式统 浙江省三门县人民医院, 浙江 三门 317100 
方丹 浙江省三门县人民医院, 浙江 三门 317100 
中文摘要:目的 观察低浓度罗哌卡因颈丛麻醉在锁骨骨折手术中的应用。方法 选颈丛阻滞麻醉,在c4横突处穿刺,给予0.25%罗哌卡因,分别在深丛7mL、浅丛15mL,共22mL注入。并与同样方法注入0.15%地卡因和1.00%利多卡因混合液22mL(加1:200000肾上腺素)作比较。结果 麻醉效果,观察组有效率95.6%,对照组有效率95.4%,二组无明显差异。副作用,观察组明显少于对照组,有显著差异(P<0.05)。结论 低浓度罗哌卡因进行颈丛麻醉效果好,副作用轻,与其他方法相比,该方法较好。
中文关键词:低浓度罗哌卡因  麻醉效果  副作用  锁骨骨折
The application of low-dose ropivacaine for cervical plexus anesthetic in the operation of collar-bone fracture
Abstract:Objective To observe the application of low-dose ropivacaine for cervical plexus anesthetic in the operation of collarbone fracture. Method The cervical plexus were selected to block anesthetic and punctured at c4 transverse.7mL ropivicaine (0.25%) was given to deep plexus and 15mL to shallow plexus comparing with the same way by mixture solution of tetracaine (0.15%) and lidocaine (1.00%). Result The anesthetic effective rate of observation group and controlled group were 95.6% and 95.4% respectively and no significant difference between them.For the side effect, there had a significant difference between the two groups.The side effect of observation group was less than the controlled group.(P<0.05) Conclusion The anesthetic effect of low-dose ropivaciane was good and had little side effect.It is a good way for the cervical plexus anesthetic.
keywords:Low-dose ropivacaine  anesthetic effect  side effect  collar-bone fracture
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