投稿时间:2004-06-29    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1611
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石璐 上虞市中医院肿瘤科, 浙江 上虞 312300 
严啸薇 上虞市中医院肿瘤科, 浙江 上虞 312300 
陈军刚 上虞市中医院肿瘤科, 浙江 上虞 312300 
中文摘要:目的 观察硫酸吗啡控释片(美施康定)直肠给药治疗癌性疼痛的疗效、生活质量与毒副反应。方法 对入选的41例恶心、呕吐、梗阻、吞咽困难的癌痛患者予美施康定直肠给药每12h一次,对照组32例予美施康定口服给药每12h一次。结果 直肠给药组止痛总有效率97.56%,毒副反应发生率19.52%,Karnofsky评分由(45.24±8.21)提高到(66.22±11.6);口服治疗组止痛总有效率96.87%,毒副反应发生率56.24%,Karnofsky评分由(47.81±12.11)提高到(66.72±10.36)。两组在疗效及生活质量上无明显差异(P>0.05),毒副反应发生率有明显差异(P<0.01)。结论 美施康定直肠给药治疗癌性疼痛疗效肯定,毒副反应较轻,适用于无法口服治疗的病人。
中文关键词:癌性疼痛  硫酸吗啡控释片(美施康定)  直肠给药
Clinial observation of rectal administration of morphine sulfate controlled-re-lease tablets for treatment of cancer pain
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the analgesic effect, the life quality and toxic action of rectal administration of morphine sulfate controlled-release tablets (MST) in patients with oral administration.Methods 41 patients with cancer pain and with nausea, vomiting, obstruction and dysphagia were treated with rectal administration of MST, 12h a cycle.For comparision, 32 patients were treated with oral administration of MST, 12h a cycle.Results The total effective rate of the group of rectal administration was 97.56%.Incidence of the toxic action was 19.52%.Karnofsky was advanced from(45.24 ± 8.21) to (66.22 ±11.6) ;The total effective rate of the oral morphine group was 96.87%.Incidence of the toxic action was 56.24%.Karnofsky was advanced from (47.81 ± 12.11) to (66.72 ± 10.36).Analgesic effect and the life quality showed statistical significant difference between the two groups (P > 0.05).Toxicity showed statistical difference between the two groups (P < 0.01).Conclusion Rectal administration of MST for treatment of cancer pain was as effective as oral administration of MST.But the side effects was mild.The rectal administration of MST is fit especially for the patients, that oral administration is not available.
keywords:cancer pain  morphine sulfate controlled-release tablets  rectal administration
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