投稿时间:2004-02-06    点此下载全文
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陈元俊 中国人民解放军第180医院, 福建 泉州 362000 
周金生 中国人民解放军第180医院, 福建 泉州 362000 
卢玉兰 中国人民解放军第180医院, 福建 泉州 362000 
丁川 中国人民解放军第180医院, 福建 泉州 362000 
胡晓添 中国人民解放军第180医院, 福建 泉州 362000 
连劲龙 中国人民解放军第180医院, 福建 泉州 362000 
中文摘要:目的 测定复方强的松龙滴鼻液中醋酸泼尼松龙和马来酸氯苯那敏的含量。方法 采用新Vierordt法,以二组分的最大吸收波长242.5nm和261.5nm为测定波长,以无水乙醇作为空白,不经分离直接测定复方强的松龙滴鼻液中二组分的含量。结果 两组分回归系数分别为0.9998(1.7754~17.754μg/mL)和0.9997(2.656~26.56μg/mL),回收率分别为99.6%,RSD=0.8%;99.7%,RSD=0.6%。αβ<0.5,A261.5a+b/βA242.5a+b>1.2,A242.5a+b/αA261.5a+b>1.2,符合要求,结论 本方法简便快速,重现性好,消除了二组分相互干扰,结果满意。
中文关键词:联立方程新解法  醋酸泼尼松龙  马来酸氯苯那敏
Determination of two components in compound hydrocortisone nasal drops by new vierordt method
Abstract:Objective To determinate two components of hydrocortisone acetate and chlorphenamine maleate in compound hydro-cortisone nasal drops.Methods The components were determinated directly by new Vierordt mothod without separation.The detection wavelengths were 242.5nm and 261.5nm.The blank reference was ethanol absolute.Results The result showed good linear relationship between the concentration and the peak area ratio of the two components.The respective correlation coefficients of hydrocortisone and chlorphenamine maleate were 0.9998 in the range of 1.7754μg/mL to 17.754μg/mL and 0.9997 in the range of 2.656μg/mL to 26.56μg/mL.Average recovery of hydrocortisone and chlorphenamine maleate were 99.6% with RSD 0.8% and 99.7% with RSD 0.6%,respectively.The result of multiplying a by β was less than 0.5.The ratios of A261.5a+b to βA242.5a+b, and A242.5a+b to αA261.5a+b were both more than 1.2.According to new Vierordt method, the result is acceptable.Conclusion The mothod is simple, rapid and repeat able.The interference of the two components on each other can be eliminated and the result is reliable.
keywords:new Vierordt method  hydrocorlisone acetate  chlorphenamine maleate
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