投稿时间:2003-11-17    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1307
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龙小华 长沙市第四医院, 湖南 长沙 410006 
厉辉 长沙市第四医院, 湖南 长沙 410006 
黄嵘 长沙市第四医院, 湖南 长沙 410006 
中文摘要:目的 建立三元络合物比色法测定复方苦参洗剂中小檗碱的含量,为制剂质量控制提供依据。方法 小檗碱在pH值为6.7的溶液中,可与溴酚蓝、奎宁形成三元络合物,经氯仿提取,在610nm波长处测定吸收度。结果 小檗碱在0.8~4mg/L范围有良好的线性关系(r=0.9999),平均回收率为98.65%,RSD为1.12%。结论 本方法准确,灵敏度好,可用于复方苦参洗剂等中药制剂中小檗碱的含量测定。
中文关键词:复方苦参洗剂  小檗碱  三元络合物比色法  含量测定
Determination of bererine in compound Sophora flavescens lotions by three variables complex chromatometry
Abstract:Objective To establish three variables complex chromometry for the determination of berberine in compound Sophora flavescens lotions. Methods The berberine formed three variables complex with bromophenol blue and quinine in pH6.7,then it was withdrawn with chloroform. The detection wavelength was 610nm. Results The linear range of berberine was the 0.8~4mg/L(r = 0.9999),the average recovery was 98.65%,RSD was 1.12%. Conclusion The method had a good sensitive, and reproducibility. It can be used for determination of berberine in compound sophora flavescens lotions.
keywords:compound Sophora flavescens lotions  berberine  three variables complex chromatometry  determination of content
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