投稿时间:2004-05-07    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1325
全文下载次数: 1070
舒薇 上海市闸北区中心医院药剂科, 上海 200070 
徐鹤良 复旦大学药学院, 上海 200032 
中文摘要:目的 分析医院门诊抗感染药使用频度的差异,探索门诊抗感染药物的使用规律,为监测该类药物应用提供一种新的途径与方法。方法 在药品计算机网络化管理基础上引入SPSS10统计软件,分别以西药处方记录条和人日为单位进行抗感染药使用频度差异分析。结果 抗感染药的使用频度和次均费用在不同性别、年龄、医保类别病人和就诊科室之间存在差异。结论 利用统计分析方法开展抗感染药利用研究,对提高合理用药水平很有必要。
中文关键词:抗感染药  频度  差异分析  SPSS10
Gap analysis of frequency of use on anti-infectious agents in outpatient department
Abstract:Objective To analyse the difference of frequency on use of anti-infectious agents in outpatient department, probe the regular pattern for use of anti-infectious agents, providing a new method for monitoring the usage of drugs. Methods The difference of frequency on use of anti-infectious agents in outpatient department was analysed by using SPSS10 based on the information of computer networking administration for drugs. The analysis units were prescription records and man-days. Results The results showed that the frequency on use on anti-infectious agents and the average expense were different between patients with different sex, age, medical-insurance category and between the departments of hospital. Conclusion It is essential to carry out the utilization research of anti-infectious agents to lift the level of rational drug-use by use of statistical analysis.
keywords:anti-infectious agent  frequency  gap analysis  SPSS10
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