投稿时间:2003-03-11    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1327
全文下载次数: 1084
曹琴 武警8690部队医院药械科, 江苏宜兴 214222 
范伟 第二军医大学药学本科九九级, 上海 200433 
王凯伟 武警8690部队医院药械科, 江苏宜兴 214222 
中文摘要:目的 介绍20世纪90年代以来抗真菌药物的研究进展和临床应用。方法 综合和分析国内外有关文献报道,分类进行综述。结果与结论 目前的研究主要集中在对现有抗真菌药的结构改造和发现新的抗真菌母核结构这两方面,临床上多根据其作用特点而选择应用。
中文关键词:抗真菌药物  临床应用
Study progress and clinical application on antifungal drugs
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To introduce the study progress and clinical application on antifungal drugs. METHODS By analyzing the literature about the antifungal drugs at home and abroad, study progress and clinical application on antifungal drugs were reviewed by classification. RESULTS & CONCLUTION: The study on the antifungal drugs is mainly concentrated on the structure reform and the discoveries of new antifungal drugs. In clinical, the antifungal drugs are being used according to its different characteristic.
keywords:antifungal drugs  study progress
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