投稿时间:2003-02-14    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1361
全文下载次数: 1005
王旭明 沈阳军区联勤部药品检验所, 辽宁沈阳 110026 
赵昕 沈阳军区联勤部药品检验所, 辽宁沈阳 110026 
王锦 沈阳军区联勤部药品检验所, 辽宁沈阳 110026 
中文摘要:目的 研究独一味超微细粉有效成分的溶出特性。方法 对独一味药材进行细胞级超微粉碎,用薄层色谱法、重量法、分光光度法对其所含成分溶出特性进行评价。结果 超微细粉与粗粉、细粉相比其成分能更有效溶出。结论 独一味经超微粉碎后,有效成分溶出明显增快,由此可简化药材提取过程。
中文关键词:超微粉碎  独一味  溶出速率
Comparative investigation in the quality of three different size of powder in Lamiophlomis Rotata
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To study dissolution speciality of active substance of ultramicro-powder in Lamio-phlomis Rotata. METHODS Ultramicro-pulverization was applied to Lamiophlomis Rotata, to investigate dissolution speciality of active substance by TLC, gravimetric method and spectrophotometry. RESULTS:To be compared with coarse powder and fine powder, the active substance of ultramicro-powder can be extracted more efficiently. CONCLUSION Ultramicro-pulverization was applied to Lamiophlomis Rotata, the active substance could be extracted faster, accordingly the extraction of Chinese herbal medicinel can be predigest.
keywords:ultramicro-pulverization  Lamiophlomis Rotata  dissolution rate
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