褶合曲线分析法同时测定小儿复方苯巴比妥片中四组分的含量 |
投稿时间:2003-03-11 点此下载全文 |
引用本文:高金波,丁立新,侯巍,张羽男,吕宁.褶合曲线分析法同时测定小儿复方苯巴比妥片中四组分的含量[J].药学实践杂志,2003,(4):214~216 |
摘要点击次数: 1263 |
全文下载次数: 1142 |
中文摘要:目的 不经分离同时测定小儿复方苯巴比妥片中四组分的含量。方法 以褶合光谱为基础,结合当前最优秀的数值计算法——偏最小二乘法(PLS法)利用计算机信息处理技术的褶合曲线分析法。结果 小儿复方苯巴比妥片中阿司匹林、非那西丁、咖啡因和苯巴比妥四组分的平均回收率及相对标准偏差(RSD)分别为99.75,0.92%;100.47,0.56%;99.82,1.12%;100.08,0.86%。结论 该方法可以用于小儿复方苯巴比妥片剂的质量监控。 |
中文关键词:褶合曲线分析法 小儿复方苯巴比妥片 阿司匹林 非那西丁 咖啡因 苯巴比妥 |
Application of convolution curve method for simultaneous determination of four components in the compound children's phenobarbital tablet |
Abstract:OBJECTIVE Without any separation, simultaneous determination of four main components in the compound children's phenobarbital tablet. METHODS Based on convolution spectrometry with the excellent cacu-lation method-PLS method used convolution spectrometry of computer information process technology. RESULTS Components of compound children's phenobarbital tablet are aspirin, phenacetin, caffine and phenobarbital. Their average recoveries and RSD were 99.75,0.92%;100.47,0.56%;99.82,1.12%;100.08,0.86%. CONCLUSION The method is used for qualitative control of compound children's phenobarbital tablet. |
keywords:convolution curve analytical system children's phenobarbital tablet aspirin phenacetin caffine phenobarbital |
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