投稿时间:2002-06-24    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1673
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龚纯贵 上海东方肝胆外科医院药材科 上海 200438 
李捷伟 上海东方肝胆外科医院药材科 上海 200438 
赵亮 上海东方肝胆外科医院药材科 上海 200438 
张国庆 上海东方肝胆外科医院药材科 上海 200438 
中文摘要:目的 确定扶正平消胶囊中黄芪总皂苷的含量测定方法,并应用此方法对提取工艺初步筛选。方法 水提、60%醇提和水提醇沉三种方法制得粗提液样品,用水饱和正丁醇萃取后,以自提黄芪甲苷为对照品,采用比色法测定其中黄芪总皂苷的含量。结果 水提、60%醇提和水提醇沉三种方法所得的样品黄芪总皂苷平均含量分别为 0.26%、0.34%和 0.16%,其中以 60%醇提样品含量最高。结论 可应用此方法对扶正平消胶囊质量进行控制。
中文关键词:比色法  扶正平消胶囊  黄芪皂苷
Determination of total astragalosides in Fuzhengpingxiao capsules by colorimetric analysis
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To establish a method to determine the content of total astragalosides in Fuzhengpingxiao capsules, and primary research about the extraction has been done with this method. METHODS Three different methods were used to prepare the crude extractive liquid, which were extracted by pure water,60% alcohol and deposited by alcohol after extracted by pure water. The crude extractive liquid was extracted by n-butanol saturated by water. Colorimetric analysis was used to determine the content of total astragalosides. RESULTS The mean content of total astagalosides extracted by three different methods were 0.26%,0.34% and 0.16%,respectively. The amount of the total astragalosides extracted by 60% alcohol was the highest. CONCLUSION The method can be used to control the quality of Fuzhengpingxiao capsules.
keywords:colorimetric analysis  Fuzhengpingxiao capsule  astragalosides
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