投稿时间:2002-04-22    点此下载全文
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王晓波 解放军210医院 大连 l16021 
王敬国 解放军210医院 大连 l16021 
袭荣刚 解放军210医院 大连 l16021 
中文摘要:目的 建立测定罗红霉素电子药膜中主药含量的方法。方法 采用高效液相色谱法,色谱柱为YWG C18柱,流动相为乙腈-甲醇-0.5%乙酸铵 (100:80:60),检测波长为 235nm.结果 精密度及稳定性均良好,在 0.3~1.7mg·ml-1范围内,峰面积与浓度 (mg·ml-1)呈良好的线性关系,r=0.9998,平均回收率为 99.23%,RSD为 0.84%.n=5.结论 本方法简便、专属、重现性好,可用于罗红霉素电子药膜剂的含量测定。
中文关键词:电子药膜  罗红霉素  HPLC  含量测定
Studies on assay of roxithromycin in electron medicinal membrane of roxithromycin
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To develop a method for assay of roxithromycin in electron medicinal membrane of roxithromycin. METHODS To use a HPLC method by YWG C18 column. The mobile phase was a mixture of acetonitrile-methano-l0.5% ammonium acetate(100:80:60),with the detection wavelength at 235 nm.RESULTS Precision and stability were fine. The linear correlation was observed from the concentrations of 0.3 to 1.7mg·ml-1(r=0.9998).The average recovery was 99.23%.Resolution bettween roxithromycin and other peaks met the requirements.CONCLUSION The method is convenient, selective and reproducible.
keywords:electron medicinal membrane  roxithromycin  HPLC  content determination
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