投稿时间:2002-01-17    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1166
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夏腊梅 广东省顺德市杏坛医院 顺德市 528325 
胡德锐 广东省顺德市杏坛医院 顺德市 528325 
中文摘要:目的 探讨不同药物治疗原发性高血压症的经济效果。方法 选择 106例原发性高血压症 (临床诊断 1-2级)、无严重心、脑、肾并发症患者,用 3种不同的药物治疗,分为A组:卡托普利+西之达+银杏叶 (38例)、B组:倍他乐克+西之达+银杏叶 (33例)、C组:波依定+西之达+银杏叶 (35例) 3组,均为口服给药、疗程 10wk.运用药物经济学的成本-效果分析方法进行评价。结果 3种治疗方案的总成本依次为3596.50、3671.90、3885.40元,其总有效率分别为 86.84%、90.91%、97.14%。结论 B方案为最佳治疗方案。
Cost-effectiveness analysis of three different drugs for essential hypertension
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To evaluate the economic effectiveness of different therapeutic regimens for essential hypertension.METHODS 106 patients with first and second phase hypertension and without serious heart,brain and kidney complication were divided into 3 groups.Each group was given different drugs,Agroup:captopril+simvastatin+instructions(38cases),Bgroup:betaloc+simvastatin+instructions(33cases),Cgroup:plendil+simvastatin+instructions(35c-ases).All the drugs were taken orally.The treatment time was 10wk.RESULTS The costs of A,B,C regimens were RMB 3596.50、3671 90、3885.40 Yuans and the effective rates were 86.84%、90.91%、97.14%,respectively.CONCLUSION According to the results of cost-effectiveness analysis,Bgroup:is the best choice among the three therapeutic reg-imens.
keywords:cost-effectiveness analysis  essential hypertension  pharmacoeconomics study.
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