投稿时间:2002-01-14    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1029
全文下载次数: 1429
邱瑞桂 解放军413医院药剂科 舟山 316000 
王世会 解放军413医院药剂科 舟山 316000 
中文摘要:目的 建立反相高效液相色谱法测定盐酸恩丹西酮氯化钠注射液含量的方法。方法 采用ODS反相柱,流动相为甲醇-0.02M磷酸二氢钾 (58:42,pH=6.0),检测波长为 308nm.结果 盐酸昂丹司琼在辅料中的回收率为 100.14%,日内与日间精密度分别为 0.41%与 0.54%.结论 本法准确、快捷,适用于测定盐酸恩丹西酮氯化钠注射液的含量。
中文关键词:恩丹西酮  反相高效色谱法  注射液
Determination of ondansetron hydrochloride in natrium chloride infusion by a reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To establish a new method to determin ondansetron in a natrium chloride infusion.METHLDS A reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography was employed. The mobile phase was composed of methanol and 0.02M KH2PO4 solution(58:42,pH=6.0).ODS was the stable phase.RESULTS Recovery was 100.14%.Between-day and Within-day precision was 0.41% and 0.54% respectively.CONCLUSION The method was rapid and correct.It is suitable for the determination of ondansetron in natrium chloride infusion.
keywords:ondansetron  determination  RP-HPLC
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