投稿时间:2001-09-25    点此下载全文
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王敬国 解放军第210医院药剂科 大连 116021 
王晓波 解放军第210医院药剂科 大连 116021 
袭荣刚 解放军第210医院药剂科 大连 116021 
颜宏生 大连医科大学临床药理系96级实习生 大连 116022 
中文摘要:目的 探讨血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂和钙拮抗剂对原发性高血压所产生的经济效果。方法 本文对232例原发性高血压病人所用的药物贝那普利,培哚普利,氨氯地平,尼群地平进行回顾性分析评价,用成本-效果分析方法进行比较。结果 培哚普利为最佳降压药物 (无论是对于收缩压还是舒张压).结论 通过分析说明了药物经济学在指导合理用药,控制药品费用上涨,减轻病人负担,提高社会经济效益方面具有重要作用。同时,药物经济学研究是实现卫生资源优化配置,保障基本医疗保险制度健康运行和不断完善的必要条件和关键措施之一,对指导开发疗效高、副作用小、价格合理的新药具有重要指导作用。
中文关键词:成本—效果分析  原发性高血压  贝那普利  培哚普利  氨氯地平  尼群地平
The cost-effectiveness analysis of four programs treating primary hypertension
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To investigate the economic effects produced by ACEI and calcium blocker treating the primary hypertension. METHODS The paper carries on a retrospective analytic valuation to the drugs-benezepril,perindopril,amlodipine and nit rendipine used by 232 cases of patients with primary hypertension and hold a comparison using the method of cost-effectiveness analysis.RESULTS Perindopril is the best drug low-ering blood pressures(regardless of systolic or diastolic blood pressure).CONCLUSION Through analysis we can come to the conclusion that pharmacoeconomics plays an important part in instructing reasonable utilization of drugs,controlling the rise of drug costs,lightening the economic burden of patients and raising the social eco-nomic results.Meanwhile,the studies of pharmacoeconomics is one of essential conditions and key measures to realize the reasonable distribution of health sources,and to safeguard the healthy movement of basic medical in-surance system and the instant perfection.It also has an important instructive function to develop the new drugs with high effect,few side effects and reasonable price.
keywords:cost-effectiveness analysis  primary hypertension  benazepril  perindopril  amlodipine  nitrendipine
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