投稿时间:2001-02-12    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1487
全文下载次数: 1377
危华玲 广西壮族自治区人民医院药剂科 南宁 530021 
卢文胜 南宁第二人民医院药剂科 南宁 530031 
中文摘要:目的 筛选利巴韦林片的最佳处方。方法 考察糊精、羧甲基淀粉钠、微晶纤维素和低取代羟丙基纤维素对利巴韦林片的质量影响。结果 所筛选的适宜润湿剂为 75%乙醇,L-HPC和微晶纤维素的最佳用量分别为 10%和 15%.按照最佳处方制备的利巴韦林片硬度和外观大为改善。结论 本法处方合理,工艺简单,所制备的利巴韦林片适合临床应用。
中文关键词:利巴韦林片  处方优化  正交试验
Prescription optimize of ribavirini tablets
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To obtain the optimum prescription of ribavirini tablets METHODS The effect of dextrin CMS-Na microcrystalline cellulose and L-HPC on the quality of ribavirini tablets were studied RESULTS The optimum mistening agents is 75% alcohol,and the optimum amount of L-HPC and micro-crystaline cellulose are 10% and 15% respectively Ribavirini tablets prepared with this optimum prescription was much better in terms of hardness and surfaces CONCLUSION The method is reasonable,and the ribavirini tablets were suitable for clinical use.
keywords:ribavirin  tablet  prescription optimize  orthogonal experiment design
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