投稿时间:2001-05-14    点此下载全文
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尚北城 成都军区昆明总医院 昆明 650032 
徐贵丽 成都军区昆明总医院 昆明 650032 
唐冰 成都军区昆明总医院 昆明 650032 
方丽莎 成都军区昆明总医院 昆明 650032 
刘江 成都军区昆明总医院 昆明 650032 
段慧琼 昆明福林堂药业公司 
赵兴敏 贵阳医学院 药学97级实习生 
中文摘要:目的 研究双戊烯的透皮促进作用。方法 采用自制透皮扩散装置。以离体小白鼠背部皮肤为透皮屏障,紫外分光光度法测定含不同浓度双戊烯和氮酮对酮康唑的促透效果。结果不同浓度促进剂对酮康唑的促透效果顺序为 3%双戊烯 >2%双戊烯 >3%氮酮 >1%双戊烯。结论实验证明,3%双戊烯对酮康唑具有较好的促透作用,与其它浓度的双戊烯和不同浓度的氮酮相比具有显着性差异 (P <0.05)或极显着性差异(P <0.01)。
中文关键词:双戊烯  氮酮  透皮吸收  透皮促进剂  酮康唑
The enhancement effect of dipentene in the transdermal absorption of ketoconazole
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To study the enhancing effect of dipentene in the transdermal absorption of ketoconazol. METHODS The diffusion of ketoconazole acrossed excised mouse skin was determined in vitro using the side-by-side diffusion cells,to compare the enhancement effect of dipentene with azone at difference concentrations in the transdermal absorption of ketoconazole.RESULTS The sequence of enhancements at difference concentrations of dipentene are as follows:3%dipentene> 2%dipentene> 3%azone> 1%dipentene.CONCLUSION It was showed that various concentrations of transdermal enhancers could promote absorption of ketoconazole in different degrees and 3% dipentene was the most effective.
keywords:dipentene  azone  percutaneous absorption  transdermal enhancer  ketoconazole
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