投稿时间:2001-07-03    点此下载全文
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张治然 解放军第210医院临床药学中心 大连 116021 
王晓波 解放军第210医院临床药学中心 大连 116021 
孙辉 解放军第210医院临床药学中心 大连 116021 
中文摘要:目的 通过对我院 2000年 91例治疗药物检测的结果分析,统计检测结果的合格率情况,以期对其它医院提供参考。方法 对我院现开展的氨茶碱、地高辛等检测项目的结果用百分数和平均浓度进行统计。结果 氨茶碱在正常范围内的百分数为 25.0%,地高辛为 50%。结论 我院现开展的治疗药物检测结果不在治疗范围内的所占比例较大。
中文关键词:治疗药物监测  血药浓度  氨茶碱  地高辛
Application and analysing results of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)in our hospital
Abstract:OBJECTIVE Through 90 analysing results of TDM in our hospital in 2000, qualification rates were counted in order to give some reference for other hospitals METHODS Monitoring results of aminophylline and digoxin et al in our hospital were counted by percentages and average concentrations RESULTS The percentage of aminophylline in normal range was 25.0%, as that of digoxin was 50%. CONCLUSION The percentages of TDM results which were not in normal range were bigger in our hospital.
keywords:TDM  drug concentration in blood  aminophylline  digoxin
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