投稿时间:2001-09-06    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1418
全文下载次数: 1361
吴宏卫 温岭市第一人民医院 温岭 317500 
张静 江苏省人民医院 南京 210029 
陈才铭 温岭市第一人民医院 温岭 317500 
蔡琳 温岭市第一人民医院 温岭 317500 
中文摘要:目的 考察莪术油葡萄糖注射液与头孢唑林钠、头孢哌酮钠、哌拉西林钠、维生素C加地塞米松磷酸钠注射剂分别配伍的稳定性。方法 采用分光光度法测定配伍后莪术油含量的经时变化。HPLC法测定配伍后头孢唑林钠、头孢哌酮钠、哌拉西林钠含量的经时变化。结果 模拟临床用药浓度分别配伍,莪术油葡萄糖注射液与头孢哌酮钠配伍,莪术油在 1h内分解达 30%以上,为配伍不稳定体系,其余 3项配伍较稳定,外观、pH值、含量无明显变化。结论 莪术油葡萄糖注射液与头孢哌酮钠配伍后迅速分解,与其余 4种注射剂分别配伍较稳定。
中文关键词:莪术油葡萄糖注射液  配伍  稳定性
The study on the stability of compatibility of zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection with five drugs respectively
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To inspect the stability of compatibility of zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection with cefazolin sodium for injection,cefoperazone sodium for injection,piperacillin sodium for injection and vitamin C plus dexamethason sodium phosphate injection, respectively.METHODS The spectrophotometry was used to measure the ongoing change of the content of zedoary turmeric oil after compatibility.The HPLC was used to measure the ongoing change of content of cefazolin sodium,cefoperazone sodium and piperacillin sodium after compatibility.RESULTS According to the compatibility modeling on clinical concentration,in the case of compatibility of zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection with cefoperazone,more than 30% of zedoary turmeric oil decomposed,so it is unstable compatibility.The rest three compatibilities are relatively stable.There is no obvious ongoing change in appearnce,pH and content.CONCLUSION The compatibility of zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection with cefoperazone sodium is unsuitable.The rest four drugs compatibilities are feasible and can be applied in the intravenous drip.
keywords:zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection  compatibility  stability
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