投稿时间:2001-09-13    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1948
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郑礼宝 福州市皮肤病防治院 福州 350001 
黄卫东 福州市皮肤病防治院 福州 350001 
陈静 福州市皮肤病防治院 福州 350001 
张弘 福州市皮肤病防治院 福州 350001 
付江洲 福州市皮肤病防治院 福州 350001 
中文摘要:目的 观察 0.1%阿达帕林凝胶治疗寻常痤疮的临床疗效和安全性。方法 160例寻常痤疮患者,分别给予外涂 0.1%阿达帕林凝胶 (80例)及 0.025%全反维A酸凝胶 (80例)。根据治疗前后炎性损害和非炎性损害总数减少的百分率评价疗效。结果 两组痊愈率、显效率、有效率均无统计学差异,阿达帕林组不良反应率明显低于全反维A酸组。结论 0.1%阿达帕林是一种局部治疗寻常痤疮的有效的安全的药物。
中文关键词:0.1%阿达帕林凝胶  0.025%全反维A酸凝胶  寻常痤疮
Effect of adapalene gel in the treatment of acne vulgaris
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To observe the effect and safety of 0.1% adapalene gel in the treatment for patients with acne vulgaris.METHODS 160 patients with acne vulgaris topically applied 0.1% adapalene gel (80cases) and 0.025% tretinoin gel (80 cases), respectively. The efficacy was evaluated according to the reductive proportion of inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions before and after the treatment.RESULTS No significant difference was detected between two treatment groups in the rate of cure, marked improvement and total efficacy rate. The incidence rate of adverse reaction in 0.1%adapalene gel group was much lower than in 0.025% tretinoin gel group. CONCLUSION 0.1% adapalent gel was an effective and safe drug of topical treatment for patients with acne vulgaris.
keywords:0.1% adapalene gel  0.025% tretinoin  acne vulgaris
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