投稿时间:2001-04-11    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1695
全文下载次数: 1258
翟晓波 上海市东方医院药剂科, 上海 200120 
顾斌 上海市东方医院药剂科, 上海 200120 
中文摘要:目的 考察室温下6h内头孢他定注射液与二羟丙茶碱注射液在4种输液中配伍后的稳定性。方法 采用双波长分光光度法测定各配伍液中头孢他定的含量变化情况。结果 室温下头孢他定注射液单独与4种输液配伍后6h降解1%以下,但头孢他定与二羟丙茶碱注射液配伍后室温下在4种输液中6h的降解程度与前者比较变化不大。结论 头孢他定注射液与二羟丙茶碱注射液配伍后在4种输液中6h内保持基本稳定。
中文关键词:头孢他定  二羟丙茶碱  配伍稳定性
The stability of compatibility of ceftazidime and diprophylline in different kinds of intravenous infusions
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To inspect the stability of compatibility of ceftazidime and diprophyline in four kinds of infusions in 6 hours at room temperature. METHODS The contents of ceftazidime in all kinds of infusions were determined by double wavelength spectrophotometry. RESULTS The contents of ceftazidime degraded less than 1% in 6 hours after ceftazidime was admixed with the four kinds of infusions alone. Ceftazidime and diprophylline admixed with the four kinds of infusions, respectively,They did not degrade further. CONCLUSION The contents of ceftazidime in these mixtures kept the relatively stability.
keywords:ceftazidime  diprophylline  compatibility  stability
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