投稿时间:2001-06-10    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1243
全文下载次数: 1103
陈建明 解放军第202医院药局, 沈阳 110003 
叶丽卡 解放军第202医院药局, 沈阳 110003 
高申 第二军医大学药学院药剂教研室, 上海 200433 
毛世瑞 沈阳药科大学药剂教研室, 沈阳110015 
毕殿洲 沈阳药科大学药剂教研室, 沈阳110015 
中文摘要:目的 比较明胶微球剂与溶液剂的鼻粘膜给药。方法 通过鼻粘膜滞留时间及药物鼻粘膜吸收等实验,比较明胶微球及溶液2种给药制剂的区别。结果 明胶微球剂在鼻粘膜滞留时间明显比溶液剂长,能明显提高药物鼻粘膜吸收,并延长药物在体内滞留时间。结论 明胶微球明显提高药物鼻粘膜吸收,具有很好应用前景。
中文关键词:明胶微球  溶液剂  鼻粘膜给药
Comparison of the differences between melatonin gelatin microspheres and solution in nasal delivery system
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To compare the differences between gelatin microspheres and solution in nasal delivery system. METHODS The residence time in nasal mucosa and nasal absorption experiments were performed respectively to compare the differences between gelatin microspheres and solution. RESIJLTS The residence time of gelatin microspheres was longer than gelatin solution in nasal cavity, gelatin microspheres evidently raised melatonin nasal absorption and prolonged the retention time in blood circulation. CONCLUTION Gelatin microspheres could raise melatonin nasal absorption and would have good application prospects.
keywords:gelatin microspheres  solution  nasally administration
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