投稿时间:2001-03-05    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1368
全文下载次数: 1160
彭毓芳 成都市儿童医院, 成都 610017 
贺林 成都市儿童医院, 成都 610017 
张志荣 华西医科大学, 成都 610041 
吴苏澄 成都军区总医院, 成都 610083 
蒋红艳 华西医科大学, 成都 610041 
中文摘要:目的 筛选青霉素Ⅴ钾分散片的处方。建立青霉素Ⅴ钾分散片的含量测定方法。方法 采用均匀设计法筛选处方;紫外分析法测定含量。结果 青霉素 Ⅴ钾分散片崩解时限45~90s,T50 1.09min,Td 2.07min;紫外测定回收率97.54%。结论 按本文处方生产的青霉素Ⅴ钾分散片质量符合英国药典对分散片的要求;紫外方法快速、简便,准确度较高。
中文关键词:青霉素Ⅴ钾  分散片  均匀设计
Research of phenoxymethylpenicillin potassium dispersible tablets
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To optimize prescriptions of phenoxymethylpenicillin potassium (VK) dispersible tablets and establishe content measuring method. METHODS Uniform design method and UV method were used. RESULTS The results were as follows:breaking time 45~90s, T50 1.09min, Td 2.07min, recovery ratio 97.54%. CONCLUSION The quality of phenoxymethylpeniniclillin potassium dispersible tablets is conform to Britain Pharmacopoeia and UV method is simple and rapid.
keywords:phenoxymethylpenicillin potassium  dispersible tablets  uniform design
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