投稿时间:2000-07-08    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1570
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刘有平 解放军第463医院药剂科, 沈阳 110042 
杨振华 山西医科大学药物研究所, 太原 030001 
曹延军 山西医科大学药物研究所, 太原 030001 
中文摘要:目的 建立反相高效液相色谱法测定优赛清栓剂中盐酸黄连素含量的方法。方法 采用shim-packCLC-ODS(4.5mm×150mm)色谱柱,以H3PO4(0.01mol/L)MeOH(AR)(65:35)为流动相,流速为10ml/min,检测波长为279nm。结果 线性范围为3~100μg/ml,回归系数为r =0.9999(n=6),测得盐酸黄连素的回收率为99.4 %,相对标准偏差为1.49%。结论 本方法简便、准确、可靠,适用于常规分析。
中文关键词:RP-HPLC  优赛清栓剂  盐酸黄连素
RP-HPLC determination of berberine hydrochloride in You Sai Qing suppository
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To study resersed phase high performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of berberine hydrochloride (Ber) in You Sai Qing suppository.METHODS Ber was chromatographed on a shim pack CLG-ODS column with a mobile phase consisting of H3PO4 (0.01mol/L):MeOH(AR)(65:35).The flow rate was 1.0ml/min and the monitoring wavelength is 279nm. RESULTS The calhration curve was linear in the range of 3~100μg/ml.The recovery was 99.4%,RSD was 1.49%.CONCLUSION The methed is simple, accurate and relief and Can be used to determine the Ber.
keywords:RP-HPLC  You Sai Qing suppository  berberine hydrochloride
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