投稿时间:2000-04-09    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1351
全文下载次数: 1527
景颖 济南军区总医院, 济南 250031 
黄贤琦 济南军区总医院, 济南 250031 
刘善奎 济南军区总医院, 济南 250031 
张卫星 济南军区总医院, 济南 250031 
中文摘要:目的 研制氯马斯汀乳膏,并研究其质量标准。方法 以o/w法制备乳膏,采用分光光度法测定含量。测定波长为 406nm。结果 该乳膏剂制备工艺简单、质量控制方法可行。结论 氯马斯汀乳膏不仅适用于医院配制,而且适用于工业化生产。
中文关键词:氯马斯汀  乳膏  质量标准
Preparation and quality control of clemastine fumarate emulsion
Abstract:OBJACTIVE To study the prescription,preparation and quality control of clemastine fumarate emulsion.METHODS The emulsion was prepared by o/w method.Clemastine fumarate was determined by spectrometry method at wavelength of 406nm.RESULTS The process was simple and praotica ale, the quality control was reliable.CONCLSION The emulsion is suitable not only for small amount of preparation in hospital lmt also for large batch of production in pharmaceutical industry.
keywords:clemastine fumarate  emulsion  quality control
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