投稿时间:2000-01-24    点此下载全文
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中文摘要:目的 研究中药徐长卿内关穴位注射对实验性心肌缺血再灌注损伤的作用及其机制。方法 建立心肌缺血再灌注损伤动物模型,A组动物由内关穴注入徐长卿注射液;B组动物肌注徐长卿注射液;C组动物静脉注射维拉帕米;D组动物内关穴注射生理盐水进行治疗。定时测定血液动力学指标,实验结束时取血小板及心肌组织测定钙离子含量。结果 徐长卿内关穴位注射可显着升高因缺血再灌注损伤所致动脉压和左心室内压下降(P<0.05);降低异常升高的LVEDP和-dp/dtmax值(P<0.05),减轻心肌细胞内钙超载。其对心肌舒张功能和钙离子作用与维拉帕米注射液相仿,对于心肌收缩功能作用优于其余各组。结论 徐长卿内关穴位注射抗心肌缺血再灌注损伤的作用可通过减轻心肌细胞内钙超载而改善心脏功能。
中文关键词:徐长卿  再灌注损伤  钙离子  心脏血液动力学  大鼠  内关穴位注射
Effects on myocardial ischemia re-perfusion injury treated by injection of Radix Cynanchi Panticulati (RCP)on Neiguan(PC6)acupoint in rat
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To Study the effects on myocardial ischemia re-perfusion injury treated by RCP on PC6 acupoint in rat.METHODS Wistar rats were randomized into groups of RCP acupoint group(A); i.m. RCP group(B);verapamil group(C) and NS control group(D).Myocardial ischemia re-perfusion injury models were set up.The hemodynamics parameters of the blood pressure(BP),left ventricular end systolic pressure(LVESP),left ventricular end diastolic pressure(LVEDP) and±dp/dtmax were recorded during the experiment.The intracelluar free calcium of the serum platelets and myocardial cells were measured with fluorescent probe,fura 2 established 2h after myocardial ischemia re-perfusion injury models.RESULTS In group A and group C,the concentration of calcium ion in myocardial cell were lower than that in group D(P<0.01).Group A was higher than group D in BP,LVESP and was lower inLVEDP,-dp/dtmax.Difference of the up-mentioned indexes between group A and group C appeared to be insignificant.CONCLUSION PC6 acupoint injection by RCP might increase myocardial contractility and prevent calcium overlodad in myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury rat.
keywords:radix cynanchi paniculati  ischemia re-perfusion injury  calcium ion  hemodynamics  rat  PC6 acupoint injection
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