投稿时间:1999-02-01    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1347
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景利 成都军区总医院药剂科 成都610083 
曾仁杰 成都军区总医院药剂科 成都610083 
孙伟张 成都军区总医院药剂科 成都610083 
刘清 贵阳医学院 药学系93级实习生 贵阳550000 
中文摘要:目的 考察羟基磷灰石陶瓷为药物载体、蜂蜡为阻滞剂制备的不同浓度蜂蜡包裹的米托蒽醌缓释复合人工骨(DHAQ-PHA-WAX)与未包裹蜂蜡的米托蒽醌人工骨(DHAQ-PHA)的体外释药规律。方法 可见分光光度法于660nm处测定包裹与未包裹蜂蜡的米托蒽醌-人工骨每天的释药量。结果 DHAQ-PHA与DHAQ-PHA-WAX的溶出速率有显着差异(P<005)。结论 DHAQ-PHA-WAX可有效地控制药物的释放。
中文关键词:羟基磷灰石复合人工骨  蜂蜡  米托蒽醌  溶出速率
Study on the dissolution of mitoxantrone in mitoxantron-hydroxylapatite ceramic composites in vitro
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To investigate the drug-releasing regularity in vitro of variable concentration mitoxantrone,which wax in a matoxantrone hydroxylapatite ceramic composite encapsulated with wax (DHAQ-PHA-WAX) and DHAQ-PHA without the wax.hydroxylapatite ceramic was used as drug carrier and wax as inhibitor. METHODS The released drug concentration per-day was determined by visible spectrometry at λ =660nm. RESULTS There was a significant difference (P<0.05) between DHAQ-PHA dissolution velocity and DHAQ-PHA-WAX. CONCLUTION Releasing of DHAQ could be controlled with DHAQ-PHA-WAX.
keywords:hydroxylapatite ceramic composite  wax  mitoxantrone  rate of drug-releasing
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