投稿时间:1999-03-29    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1916
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傅若秋 第三军医大学大坪医院野战外科研究所药剂科 重庆400042 
李建平 第三军医大学大坪医院野战外科研究所药剂科 重庆400042 
何凤慈 第三军医大学大坪医院野战外科研究所药剂科 重庆400042 
中文摘要:目的 为避免酮洛芬口服制剂对胃肠道的刺激作用,制备酮洛芬凝胶替代其口服制剂。方法 以乙醇为溶媒,用三乙醇胺中和成中性,分散于凝胶基质,制成凝胶剂。并对该制剂进行含量测定、动物刺激性试验和体外透皮试验。结果 表明酮洛芬凝胶处方设计合理,无刺激性,体外透皮效果良好。结论 初步认为本制剂可替代口服制剂,临床效果有待进一步考察。
中文关键词:酮洛芬  凝胶  含量测定  体外透皮
Preparation of ketoprofen gel and experiment on percutaneous absorption in vitro
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To avoid the irritation of oral ketoprofen in gastrointestinal tract,the ketoprofen gel was prepared. METHOD Ketoprofen was dispersed in gel base material after it had been dissolved in alcohol and had been neutralized with triethanolamine.And the method of determination,the irritation experiment and the research of absorption in vitro were studied. RESULTS The prescription of ketoprofen gel was rational.The preparation had low irritation and had high effect on percutaneous absorption in vitro. CONCLUSION The preparation could substitute for oral ketoprofen,and the clinic result should be more observed.
keywords:ketoprofen  gel  determination  percutaneous absorption in vitro
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