投稿时间:1998-08-25    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1560
全文下载次数: 2055
张强 兰州军区总医院药局 兰州7300050 
徐丽婷 兰州军区总医院药局 兰州7300050 
谢景文 兰州军区总医院药局 兰州7300050 
贾正平 兰州军区总医院药局 兰州7300050 
中文摘要:目的 考察不同器官移植患者环孢素谷浓度与效果之间的关系。方法 采用荧光偏振免疫法对157例肺、肾、骨髓移植患者进行常规CsA血药浓度监测,并结合临床进行归纳、分析、统计。结果 发现食物、性别、肝功等均可影响CsA的全血浓度,不同患者服用相同剂量的CsA血药浓度差异较大。结论 在临床器官移植中,要加强血药浓度监测。
中文关键词:环孢素A  全血浓度  荧光偏振免疫法
Analysis of concentration of CsA in whole blood by FPIA
Abstract:OBJECTIVE To investigate the relationship between the concentration of Cyclosporine(CsA) and the results of different transplant. METHODS Cmin of CsA of 157 renal,lung and bone marrow transplantation case were monitored by using the method of fluoresencea; polarization immunoassay (FPIA).The results were statistically analyzed in conjuction with the symptons of the patients. RESULTS Food,sex,liver function were important factors in fluencing the through concentration.The concentration was remarkable diffences while someone take the same doses. CONCLUSION It is necessary to monitor the CsA concentration in organ transplantation.
keywords:cyclosporine A  flouresence polarization immunoassay  whole blood concentation
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