投稿时间:1998-12-10    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1530
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李晓 海军401医院药剂科 青岛266071 
纪松岗 海军401医院药剂科 青岛266071 
梁东升 海军401医院药剂科 青岛266071 
许自明 海军401医院药剂科 青岛266071 
中文摘要:目的 建立非水毛细管电泳法,分离测定延胡索中延胡索乙素的含量。方法 以50mmol/L醋酸钠甲醇液含2mol/L醋酸为分离缓冲液。结果 本法在延胡索乙素浓度为5~40μg/ml范围内具有良好的线性关系和重现性,且无需预处理。回收率97.42%,RSD=1.68%。结论 本法准确、快速、简便。
中文关键词:非水毛细管电泳法  延胡索乙素  延胡索  含量测定
Determination of tetrahydropalmatine in Rhizoma Corydalis by non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis
Abstract:OBJECTIVE Determination of tetrahydropalmatine in Rhizoma Corydalis. METHODS A non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis method was set up.The effect of organic solvent and the concentration of acetic acid in buffer separation was studied. RESULTS The method was linear in range of 540g/ml of tetrahydropalmatine and good precision was also obtained.The content of tetrahydropalmatine in Rhizoma Corydalis was determined with no pre-treatment. CONCLUSION The established method was accurate,rapid and simple.
keywords:nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis  tetrahydropalmatine  Rhizoma Corydalis  determination
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