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杨以真 浙江省台州医院, 临海, 317000 
冯皓 浙江省台州医院, 临海, 317000 
中文摘要:测定复方诺氟沙星软膏中两组分含量,为该制剂提供质量控制方法.根据诺氟沙星和克霉唑不同的溶剂选择性,选用不同溶剂,一次取样,分别提取两组分.采用紫外分光光度法和双相溶液阴离子表面活性剂滴定法测定含量.诺氟沙星和克霉唑的平均回收率分别为 99.18%(n=4RSD 0.83%)和98.95%(n=4RSD1.02%).此法所需设备简易,试剂易得,方法简便快速,适合医院制剂快检要求.
中文关键词:诺氟沙星  克霉唑  复方诺氟沙星软膏  含量测定
Determination of two components in compound norfoxacin ointment
Abstract:The determinatian of two components in compound norfoxacin ointment was established Acording to different solvent selectivity of norfoxacin and clotrimazole, two components were extraected respectively with different solvents from one sample. They were determined by UV and double phase solution negative ion surfactants titration method. The average recoveries of norfoxacin and clotrimazole were 99.18%(n=4.RSD 0.83% ) and 98.95% (n=4.RSD l.02%) respectively. IN this method, equipments were simple and easy. Reagents were obtained easily. It is simple and rapid and suitable to analyse preparation(s) in the hospital.
keywords:norfoxacin  clotrimazole  compound norfxacin ointment  determination
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