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李兰茹 兰州军区总医院药材科 兰州 730050 
王燕 兰州军区总医院药材科 兰州 730050 
刘静 兰州军区总医院药材科 兰州 730050 
中文关键词:心血管药物  限定日剂量  药物利用指数
Investigation on the Cardiovascular drugs
Abstract:The study was based on a survey of 400 randomly Selected Patients dischalged from the General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Command during January, 1994 to December, 1995.Five drugs were covered:anti-arrhythmic agents, β-adrenergic blocking agents, calcium channel blockers, nitrates, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI).The methods of Definite Deily Dosage(DDD) recommended by WHO and Drug Utilization Index (DUI)by prof.Ghodse were employed.The results showed that: 1) the Cardiovascular drugs were used in 166 out of 400cases, accounting for 41.5%;2) the five classes involved 14 kinds of Cardiovascular drugs.A-mong the 14 kinds of drugs, the drugs frequently ed included isosorbide dinitrate(56),nifedipine(53),nimodipine(50),captopril(28),propranolol(21)and isosorbide mononitrate(19);3)the utilization of the 5 classes cardiovascular drugs was related to the ages of the the patients;4)the DUIof 8 in 1994 were less than 1.0; In 1995 the DUI of 7 were less than 1.0 and DUI of 2 kinds of drugs was basically rational.
keywords:Cardiovascular drugs  DDD  DUI
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