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万新祥 解放军广州医学高等专科学校 广州 510315 
张立 解放军广州医学高等专科学校 广州 510315 
陈楚成 解放军广州医学高等专科学校 广州 510315 
夏志祥 解放军广州医学高等专科学校 广州 510315 
中文关键词:呋喃妥因  二阶导数光谱法  尿药浓度
Determination of nitrofurantoin in urine by second derivative spectrophotometry
Abstract:The paper teported the determination of nitrofuratoin in urine by second derivative spectroscopy. The method consists of direct extraction of the drug by the use of ethyl acetate from the acidic urine and determination of the nitrofurantoin concerntration by measuring the amplitude between the maximum and minimum of the second derivative signal at 374-377nm. The method had a detection limit of 1.5mg/L with recovery of 98% and RSD was less than 3%. The both methods of second derivaive and HPLC had notable relativity.The method could apply to the pharmacokinetics study of nitorfurantoin.
keywords:Nitrofurantoin  Second derivative spectroscopy  Urinary
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