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盛杰 空军兰州医院药剂科 兰州 730070 
郑志安 空军兰州医院药剂科 兰州 730070 
周嘉秀 空军兰州医院药剂科 兰州 730070 
姜宏颖 空军兰州医院药剂科 兰州 730070
兰州医药站 730050 
晏艳 空军兰州医院药剂科 兰州 730070
兰州医药站 730050 
葛启 空军兰州医院药剂科 兰州 730070
新疆金地市87148部队卫生队 832200 
中文关键词:扑热息痛  直肠胶囊剂  溶出度  转筒膜法  生物利用度
Studies on the dissolution and bioavailability of the rectal capsule of acetaminophene
Abstract:The rectal capsule of acetaminophene was prepared, it can be formed several sizes by children's weight so as to administrate in personal. Tmax, Cmax and AUC of the capsule and the suppository commercial were 1.87, 1.67h; 54.86, 46.69(μg/ml); 198.94, 188.94 (μg·h/ml) in rabbits respectively, the results showed that the suppository of acetaminophene can be substitued by the rectal capsule, it was a new dosage form in rectal administration, it's dissolution in vitro was determined by the method of rotating-cylinder with millipore memberane(RCMM) established by ourself. There are a significant correlation between the cumulative dissolution rates in vitro and the absorption rates in vivo, and the both meets zero-order kinetics, the results showed that RCMM could simulated the dissolution of rectal capsule in rectal, it provided a new method of determing dissolution of soluble suppositories, RCMM can simulated the conditions of poor liquid, pH≈7, temperature higher than body temperature but cann't simulated the larger absorption area and the pressure of rectal acting on preparations in rectal, it has several advantages such as simple operating, fixed diffusion area, regulating millipore memberane and non-ignoring the differances of preparations.
keywords:acetaminophene  rectal capsule  dissolution  bioavailability
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