投稿时间:2020-04-06  修订日期:2020-05-28  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1193
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韦春兰 中国人民解放军西部战区总医院药剂科四川 成都 610083  
李文渊 四川省医学科学院·四川省人民医院药学部四川 成都 610072 cqws1023@163.com 
中文摘要:目的 探讨甲巯咪唑致全血细胞减少及肝损伤的治疗对策,为临床药师参与此类患者的治疗提供用药参考。方法 临床药师结合病例特点,从药品不良反应关联性评价、治疗效果评估、治疗方案调整和药学监护等方面提供药学服务。结果 医生采纳临床药师的建议,患者药源性全血细胞减少及肝损伤情况好转,生化指标基本恢复正常。结论 临床药师应充分了解药物的特点,从治疗方案优化、药学监护方面发挥药学专业特长,对改善患者临床结局具有积极意义。
中文关键词:甲巯咪唑  全血细胞减少  肝损伤  药学监护
Pharmaceutical care for a patient with pancytopenia and liver injury induced by methimazole
Abstract:Objective To explore the treatment of pancytopenia and liver injury induced by methimazole and provide medication therapy reference for clinical pharmacists in clinical practice.Methods The clinical pharmacists provided clinical interventions by the evaluation of adverse drug reactions, assessment of the therapeutic effects, adjustment of therapeutic regime based on the patient's disease condition.Results The physician adopted the recommendations from the clinical pharmacists. The patient with pancytopenia and liver injury induced by methimazole gradually recovered with biochemical indices back to normal levels.Conclusion The therapeutic outcome was improved with clinical pharmacist’s knowledge on medication, optimization of therapeutic regime and implement of pharmaceutical care.
keywords:methimazole  pancytopenia  liver injury  pharmaceutical care
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