投稿时间:2019-09-11  修订日期:2019-11-05  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1134
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纪晖 海军后勤部直属保障大队, 北京 100841  
舒丽芯 海军军医大学药学院, 上海 200433  
王晓璐 北部战区总医院卫勤部, 沈阳 110015 wxlzyz2003@163.com 
中文摘要:目的 探讨军队离退休干部门诊用药的一般规律。方法 用结构化查询语言(SQL)提取上海某三级甲等医院2015年军队离退休干部全部门诊电子处方数据,进行数据清洗、分类汇总;应用SPSS 19.0,对样本进行统计描述和Kruskal-Wallis非参数检验,对与处方金额相关的因素进行多元线性回归分析。结果 2015年,共有383名军队离退休干部在该三甲医院门诊就诊,平均年龄(83.99±4.22)岁,平均每人就诊(34.48±22.69)次;使用药品835种(含同品种不同规格),药品消费支出666.20万元,人均消费(17394.29±14706.94)元;其中化学药和生物制剂消费477.10万元(占71.83%),中成药消费187.68万元(占28.17%);人均药品消费金额与老干部职级(X2)、单位(X3)、就诊次数(X4)存在线性相关,标准化回归方程为Y=0.458X4+0.422X2+0.252X3结论 离退休干部门诊药品消费与疾病谱基本一致,门诊药品消费未受卫生经费保障标准限制,但直属单位和联勤保障单位离退休干部药品消耗的差异具有统计学意义;离退休干部门诊人年均药品消费金额与多种因素有关;离退休干部长期超量用药的问题需要引起关注。
中文关键词:离退休干部  门诊用药  用药特征  因素分析
Analysis on the outpatient medication of retired cadres in a third-A-grade hospital
Abstract:Objective To explore the general rule of medication usage in retired military personnel in the sanatorium.Methods The SQL statement was used to extract the electronic prescription data of all outpatients of 2015-retired military personnel of a third-A-grade hospital in Shanghai for data cleaning and classification.SPSS 19.0 was used to describe the samples and Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test.The multiple linear regression analysis of factors related to the amount of prescription was performed.Results In 2015,a total of 383 retired military personnel visited the outpatient clinic of this third-A-grade hospitals,with an average age of 83.99±4.22 years old,with an average of 34.48±22.69 clinic visit times per person,and with 835 type of drugs (including different specifications of the same variety).The expenditure on pharmaceutical consumption was 6.66 million yuan.The per capita consumption was 17394.29±14706.94 yuan; Among them,the consumption of chemical drugs and biological preparations was 47.7 million (accounting for 71.83%).The consumption of proprietary Chinese medicines was 1.876 million (accounting for 28.17%).There is a linear correlation between per capita drug consumption and the retired military personnel's persition leval (X2),branch (X3),and the number of visits (X4).The standardized regression equation is Y=0.458X4+0.422X2+0.252X3.Conclusion The outpatient drug consumption and disease spectrum of retired military personnel is basically consistent.The outpatient drug consumption of retired cadres is not limited to health funding guarantee standard,but,the difference of the retired military personnel's drug consumption between the directly affiliated branch and Joint Logistics Support Force is statistically significant.The average annual outpatient drug consumption of retired military personnel is related to many factors.The problem of long-term over-medication of retired military personnel needs attention.
keywords:retired military personnel  outpatient medication  drug usage features  factor analysis
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