投稿时间:2009-10-31    点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1173
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刘洪涛 首都医科大学附属北京口腔医院药剂科,北京100050 
韩正学 首都医科大学附属北京口腔医院颌面外科,北京100050 
苏静 首都医科大学附属北京口腔医院院感科, 
中文摘要:目的:了解我院口腔颌面外科住院病人抗菌药物的应用现状和存在问题,以促进抗菌药物的合理应用。方法:选择2007年我院颌面外科出院病人病历,对抗菌药物应用情况及合理性进行回顾性调查分析、评价。结果:共调查出院病历1 087份,使用抗菌药物1022例,抗菌药物总的应用率为94.02%;手术病人997例,围术期使用抗菌药物995例,使用率为99.80%,其中不合理预防用药的比例达到86.9%。结论:我院在围术期抗菌药物预防应用过程中存在某些不合理用药的情况,应加强贯彻实施《抗菌药物临床应用指导原则》,促进抗菌药物的合理使用。
中文关键词:抗菌药物  预防应用  颌面外科  围手术期
A survey of antimicrobial applications for 1087 hospitalized patients receiving oral and maxilla facial surgery
Abstract:Objective:To investigate the situation of clinical antimicrobial usage in our hospital and make objective evaluation,in order to provide references for rational use of antibacterial.Methods:In this retrospective survey,1087 medical charts of inpatients that discharged from our hospital in 2007 were selected and the data of antibacterial usage for all the patients were analyzed.Results:The total rate of use antibacterial was 94.02% and the prevention use rate was 99.8%,the irrational prevention use rate was 86.9%.Conclusion:There were some patterns of irrational prescribing in the prophylactic antibacterial use in the preoperative period;it is necessary to carry out "Guidelines on Clinical Use of antimicrobials" in order to avoid the inappropriate use of antibacterial.
keywords:antimicrobial  prevention use  oral and maxillofacial surgery  peri-operation
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