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印绮平 上海医科大学华山医院临床药学研究室 上海 200040 
王宏图 上海医科大学华山医院临床药学研究室 上海 200040 
张静华 上海医科大学华山医院临床药学研究室 上海 200040 
施孝金 上海医科大学华山医院临床药学研究室 上海 200040 
中文关键词:地尔硫  普罗帕酮  药动学相互作用
A study of pharmacokinetic interaction between diltiazem and propafenone in rabbits
Abstract:A balanced, randomized and crossover study was conducted in six rabbits. Each rabbit was given diltiazem/propafenone alone or in combination. Pharmacokinetic parameters of propafenone were significantly changed when coadministration with diltiazem. Its Ke and cls/F were both Cmax and AUC0-∞ were increased. On the other hand, some pharmacokinetic parameters of diltiazem were also changed after combination treatment. Its cls/F and Vd/F were both decreased,while its Cmax was elevated. In addition, Cmax of deacetyldiltiazem,an active metabolite of diltiazem, was also elevated.It was suggested that the metabolism of propafenone in liver may be inhibited by diltiazem and meanwhile propafenone may have an effect on the absorption or elimination of diltiazem. From the above result, it is essential for clinicians to monitor drug concentration when diltiazem is coadministed with propafenone,and in some case, dosage of these drugs should be adjusted.
keywords:diltiazem  propafenone pharmacokinetic interaction
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